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Women and Success
A woman cannot be forced to pursue goals by her husband or any other human. They are free to make a choice and it is this free will that they will be held accountable for on the day of judgement.

Women’s rights and discrimination against them
Islam has played an important role in advancing women’s rights throughout history, yet a lot of work is still left which needs to be done and in order to make sure that there is an equal treatment of women and they are being treated fairly in all aspects of life.

Afghanistan making progress on women rights as per UN Delegation
A delegation from the United Nations, led by Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, held talks with senior Taliban officials in Afghanistan regarding women’s rights.

Qatar World Cup – bringing sports, dawah and diplomacy together
Widely considered the “friendliest World Cup ever”, Qatar used the 2022 FIFA World Cup as an effective tool for sports diplomacy, utilizing the global spotlight and prestige of the tournament to further its foreign policy goals and improve its international image…

Feminism versus Familism
The understanding of the terms of feminism and gender equality I have attained through these conferences aided in my understanding that Islam believes in equity, neither male chauvinism nor feminism, as acceptable standards in Islam. It emphasizes on the prioritization of family as a source of stability in society. And that the need of the hour is to adopt a new term to replace all others, “Familism”

The Land Of Pashmina Threads: Plight Of The Half-Widows
The wives of thousands of men who have gone missing for many years have been termed half-widows under new terminology. These women are still not sure whether their husbands are alive or dead. The

International Conference Of Muslim Women
The International Muslim Women Union (IMWU) was founded at a gathering of delegations from 70 countries in Sudan in 1996. Dr Kausar Firdous and Dr Samia Raheel Qazi had participated in the maiden conference.

A Resolution For Women Rights
The oppressed woman in occupied Kashmir, Palestine, Burma and other regions are desperate for help. The government should fulfil its responsibility of providing basic human rights to oppressed women.