Human Rights

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Jamaat-e-Islami in its own words

Political Islam represent the last heroic stand of Muslim cultural resistance to galloping globalization with an American accent? Or does it represent the beginning of a new synthesis of Islam with con­temporaneity, enabling Muslim society and culture to move into the new millennium more confident of its own cultural foundations?


Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan hosts National Palestine Conference in Islamabad

Pakistan’s national leadership, intellectuals, scholars and members of civil society convened on the 17th October 2023 in Islamabad, Pakistan, to issue a Joint Declaration on Israel’s brutal aggression on Gaza and West Bank.


In the line of fire between Canada and India

The unusual nature of Canada accusing India, a historically friendly nation and Commonwealth partner, of involvement in the murder of a Canadian Sikh political activist named Hardeep Singh Nijjar on Canadian soil has taken global community by storm.


Women and Success

A woman cannot be forced to pursue goals by her husband or any other human. They are free to make a choice and it is this free will that they will be held accountable for on the day of judgement.


Women’s rights and discrimination against them

Islam has played an important role in advancing women’s rights throughout history, yet a lot of work is still left which needs to be done and in order to make sure that there is an equal treatment of women and they are being treated fairly in all aspects of life.


Turkiye’s recent earthquake and empathetic response from the Muslim world

In the aftermath of two deadly earthquakes that struck 10 provinces in southern Turkiye, many countries stepped forward to provide aid and assistance. International assistance has included medical supplies, medical staff, funding support, rescue teams, rescue dogs, high-tech equipment, heaters, and generators.


Pakistan’s Economy At Tipping Point

With the rupee in freefall and foreign exchange reserves dwindling, the country faces its worst balance of payments crisis, threatening to tip its fragile economy over the edge.


Earthquake in Turkey and NW Syria – UN Failure To De-politicize Aid

If the UN cannot put aside politics and act courageously in times of emergency, then Syrians and other civilians alike will continue to pay the price.

Defence and Security

Netanyahu facilitating violence against Palestinians

Netanyahu is “giving the green light for all Israelis to inflict violence upon Palestinians with full impunity”…


Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 3)

Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…


Maulana Syed Abul A’La Maududi: A Contemporary Mujtahid

While studying the life of Syed Maududi, we find that he had been struggling against evil his entire life. He refused to bow before it and cleared the dimensions of his struggle while remaining within the boundaries of the law.

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Biden blames Ottoman Empire for the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s backlash

The irony is that the USA is blaming the Ottomans for killing that happened 100 years ago but can’t see the genocide going on in Gaza.

Defence and Security

Conspiracy to change status of Eastern Bayt al-Maqdis

Attempts have been made in the past to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque in the name of archaeological findings. These attempts were foiled by the Muslims living there. Isn’t the displacement of the guardians is a plan to disgrace the mosque?

Human Rights

Cruel And Barbaric: Disciplinary Action Against Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt

Jamat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameer Sirajul Haq has strongly condemned this oppression and appealed to United Nations and Muslim countries to play their role in stopping this massacre and illegal sentences of life imprisonment. History will never forgive the Egyptian government if it continues to subjugate the law.


The Land Of Pashmina Threads: Plight Of The Half-Widows

The wives of thousands of men who have gone missing for many years have been termed half-widows under new terminology. These women are still not sure whether their husbands are alive or dead. The


A Resolution on Issues of the Muslim World

A meeting of the central executive council of Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan strongly condemned the wave of Islamophobia prevailing in different countries and conspiracies to spread hatred against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Muslims with a certain agenda.

Culture and Civilization

Historical roots of Palestine issue

There should be a democratic state of the native people of Palestine where old native Jews should also have the same civilian rights as Arab Muslims and Christians.

Culture and Civilization

A Resolution For Women Rights

The oppressed woman in occupied Kashmir, Palestine, Burma and other regions are desperate for help. The government should fulfil its responsibility of providing basic human rights to oppressed women.

Culture and Civilization

Tunisia: a country under illusion of independent

Has France really relinquished it control on Tunisia or is she only enjoying the illusion of freedom?