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Al-Khidmat brings relief to families of Türkiye
The devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye early this week, resulting in the death of over 18,300 and leveling of thousands of buildings. The Pakistan Rescue 1122 team of 52 personnel landed in Türkiye on Tuesday, as did two military teams with a total of 33 soldiers along with specially-trained sniffer dogs and search and rescue equipment.

Turkiye’s recent earthquake and empathetic response from the Muslim world
In the aftermath of two deadly earthquakes that struck 10 provinces in southern Turkiye, many countries stepped forward to provide aid and assistance. International assistance has included medical supplies, medical staff, funding support, rescue teams, rescue dogs, high-tech equipment, heaters, and generators.

Shenzhen Sponge City – China’s Answer To Urban Flooding
Shenzhen has a long way to go to manage urban flooding. But the hydro-engineering solutions mentioned above are helping it to create the necessary flood protection systems to catch up with its rapid growth.

Transboundary Water Governance Holds Key To Peace In South Asia
Transboundary water governance is one of this century’s most pressing concerns. In Asia particularly, water-related challenges are notably severe, and the absence of effective and sustainable governance mechanisms between countries is a key challenge to transboundary water governance.

Indonesia Set To Usher In ‘Age of EV’
By 2027, Indonesia could be one of the top three countries in the world producing EV batteries as well as electric cars, according to Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

Climate change brings bad news to Pakistan
new scientific analysis indicates that climate change likely intensified the devastating floods in Pakistan this summer and that these kinds of extreme rainfall events may become more severe as the world continues to warm.

Water: Are we fulfilling our Amaanah?
The world we live in is a trust bestowed upon us for future generations. Ensuring that our brothers and sisters everywhere, and those who succeed us, have access to clean water is our responsibility as Muslims…

Can Climate Change bridge US-Pakistan trust deficit?
An enduring US climate commitment could resonate with the Pakistani people in the long term – an outcome that counterterrorism cooperation struggled to achieve…

What is the Paris Agreement?
The Paris Agreement shows the willingness of countries to work together to address the global threat of climate change, but it will take significant effort and commitment from all nations to achieve the goals of the agreement…