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Pakistan and the business of geo-security-nomics
Historically, there has been a lack of willingness on the part of civilian-military leadership to agree on a common narrative and prioritize a multilateral over ideologically-driven foreign policy framework. So is the new narrative any different than a hodge-podge of military-led geo-political contestation and civilian-led geo-economic multilateralism?

Muslim World And The Unbreakable Chains of Mental Slavery
The world is a forest of symbols but in the case of the Muslim world, it is a forest of symbols of mental slavery of the West for the past 200 years.

Solution to Kashmir issue guarantees long-term peace in South Asia
Resolutions are not an option now. The United Nations and Security Council have passed hundreds of resolutions that have not made India budge even an inch. The matter is beyond mere resolutions.

The Ideology Of Pakistan And Jamat-e-Islami
Jamat-e-Islami continues the mission of the Pakistan Movement and has made efforts for a change in the society and government in line with the laws of the Quran and Sunnah until today.

The Wave Of Vulgarity And Social Resistance
Calling every immoral activity a “social need” and later declaring it as an act of virtue and even a liberal moral act, neither makes sense nor does it comply with our national identity, norms and values. Even a secular cannot claim that the foundation of this country is secularism.