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Pakistan’s Tech Startup Scenario Defies Odds
Pakistan’s technology ecosystem stands on solid foundations and has a committed community of investors, technologists, and entrepreneurs investing time and resources to realize the full potential of this sector.

Transboundary Water Governance Holds Key To Peace In South Asia
Transboundary water governance is one of this century’s most pressing concerns. In Asia particularly, water-related challenges are notably severe, and the absence of effective and sustainable governance mechanisms between countries is a key challenge to transboundary water governance.

New IMF Loan Forces Hard Choices On Bangladesh
The decision to take a loan from the IMF can only be judged successful if the economy is stronger in 10 years than it is today.

Indonesia Set To Usher In ‘Age of EV’
By 2027, Indonesia could be one of the top three countries in the world producing EV batteries as well as electric cars, according to Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

Bureaucracy, Water, Energy concerns curb India’s semiconductor ambitions
Large semiconductor manufacturing projects, including the International Semiconductor Consortium and Vedanta-Foxconn factories, have also been pushed to set up in the Indian state of Gujarat, the home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a major power base of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

China’s Population Conundrum: Less is no longer good
How Beijing responds to these challenges – or fails to – will go a long way to determining the future course of this economic giant, with far-reaching ramifications for the rest of the world.

Pakistan poised to emerge as Energy, Trade, Digital Hub
Pakistan offers access to hard infrastructure such as the Karachi, Gwadar, and Port Qasim seaports, as well as soft infrastructure, for example, an extensive free trade agreement with China which, over the next ten years, will provide for very low to zero tariffs for nearly all goods manufactured in Pakistan.

Alcohol, the Mafia and Superiority of Islamic Law
The secular Prohibition in the US didn’t have the desired effects, yet it gave rise to the mafia, whereas the Shari’ah has been “prohibiting” alcohol for centuries without ever witnessing any kind of rise of a criminal class like the mafia.

Taking stock of Pakistan’s current landscape and her future
The mutual accusations of political parties and suspicion of the impartiality of the judiciary on the basis of certain decisions of the judiciary is also a very worrying aspect of national life. As a result of this, even those constitutional institutions, which were looked at with hope and thought that at least justice would be possible from there, are now being subjected to open public criticism.

UAE engages Afghan Taliban as Qatar hesitates
The UAE wants to keep communication open with the Taliban and cultivate influence with the younger, more moderate members of the movement.