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Muslim Brotherhood vis-à-vis Jamaat-e-Islami in Western Europe
The presence of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami in Western Europe is complex and multifaceted…

Middle East in 2023 – What to look out for?
Overall, the Arab region is experiencing significant political and strategic changes, and that these changes are likely to continue in the coming years. It suggests that the formation of new alliances and the shifting balance of power will have significant implications for the region and beyond…

Untangling the Russia-Ukraine divide
This is a summary of the original article by Xavier Tytelman and Eloise Le Meitour that may be found here The Read more…

Turkey-Israel relations and what they mean for the Palestinian cause?
The Turkish government has often used its support for Palestine as a means of rallying support among its domestic constituents, and has taken a leading role in efforts to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through diplomatic means….

A Prophetic Model Of Resistance In Human History
Every prophet who came to this world had the two most important duties. First, he told the people what was true and what its details were. Second, every prophet pointed out the vice of his time and challenged it. The act of challenging the vice was a resistance against the wrong. This resistance was at a rational as well as a practical level.

Feminism versus Familism
The understanding of the terms of feminism and gender equality I have attained through these conferences aided in my understanding that Islam believes in equity, neither male chauvinism nor feminism, as acceptable standards in Islam. It emphasizes on the prioritization of family as a source of stability in society. And that the need of the hour is to adopt a new term to replace all others, “Familism”

Biden blames Ottoman Empire for the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s backlash
The irony is that the USA is blaming the Ottomans for killing that happened 100 years ago but can’t see the genocide going on in Gaza.

Conspiracy to change status of Eastern Bayt al-Maqdis
Attempts have been made in the past to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque in the name of archaeological findings. These attempts were foiled by the Muslims living there. Isn’t the displacement of the guardians is a plan to disgrace the mosque?

Cruel And Barbaric: Disciplinary Action Against Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt
Jamat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameer Sirajul Haq has strongly condemned this oppression and appealed to United Nations and Muslim countries to play their role in stopping this massacre and illegal sentences of life imprisonment. History will never forgive the Egyptian government if it continues to subjugate the law.

European Parliament Resolution Against the Blasphemy Law
The European Parliament passed a resolution with a heavy majority on April 29, 2021, in which it is recommended to the European Commission and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) to review the benefits of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences-Plus (GSP+) status for Pakistani imports.