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Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 2)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…
Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 1)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…
What is the Paris Agreement?
The Paris Agreement shows the willingness of countries to work together to address the global threat of climate change, but it will take significant effort and commitment from all nations to achieve the goals of the agreement…
Data privacy and the future of Democracy
Data has the potential to be a powerful tool for good, but it also poses significant risks to democracy and privacy…
Geopolitical implications for the global technology race
It is the need of the hour to understand the importance of striking a balance between government and private enterprise, and the potential risks and challenges associated with government intervention in technology…