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The Shariah is an integrated homogenous whole. Once one understands its basic concepts, objectives and framework, one cannot but conclude that it is capable of creating the most human and just society, a peace and blessing for mankind. Difficulties only arise when critics try to measure the ocean of divine knowledge, wisdom and justice with their own thimble of pedestrian criteria and standards.

China’s Population Conundrum: Less is no longer good
How Beijing responds to these challenges – or fails to – will go a long way to determining the future course of this economic giant, with far-reaching ramifications for the rest of the world.

Alcohol, the Mafia and Superiority of Islamic Law
The secular Prohibition in the US didn’t have the desired effects, yet it gave rise to the mafia, whereas the Shari’ah has been “prohibiting” alcohol for centuries without ever witnessing any kind of rise of a criminal class like the mafia.

Taking stock of Pakistan’s current landscape and her future
The mutual accusations of political parties and suspicion of the impartiality of the judiciary on the basis of certain decisions of the judiciary is also a very worrying aspect of national life. As a result of this, even those constitutional institutions, which were looked at with hope and thought that at least justice would be possible from there, are now being subjected to open public criticism.

Qur’an-burning: Europe struggles to draw lines
Given these very clear anti-Muslim views, Paludan’s repeated act of burning the Qur’an is driven by Islamophobic hate. Book burning in this context “becomes symbolic murder, or symbolic destruction”.

Globalization or Westernization: Reading between the lines
Modern globalization really means the Westernization of societies and their assimilation into a global homogenous pattern with dubious underpinnings at the expense of local cultural identities and values forged over a collective experience of thousands of years…

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 3)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 2)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 1)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

Israel’s Zionist Foundation and Expansionist Dream – A Short History
The Diaspora, the Holocaust, and anti-Semitism of Europe are a horrible reality. But the translation of a terrible past into an uncompromising dream with results like massacres, subjugation, violation of international laws and expansionism, has given rise to merciless atrocities and has put at risk, the peace of the world. ..