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Do Muslims need to be left or right-wing?
Muslims do not need the guidance of figures like Jordan Peterson, as they already have a comprehensive and complete ideology in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to study and understand their own religion, rather than seeking guidance from non-Muslim sources…

A Prophetic Model Of Resistance In Human History
Every prophet who came to this world had the two most important duties. First, he told the people what was true and what its details were. Second, every prophet pointed out the vice of his time and challenged it. The act of challenging the vice was a resistance against the wrong. This resistance was at a rational as well as a practical level.

Feminism versus Familism
The understanding of the terms of feminism and gender equality I have attained through these conferences aided in my understanding that Islam believes in equity, neither male chauvinism nor feminism, as acceptable standards in Islam. It emphasizes on the prioritization of family as a source of stability in society. And that the need of the hour is to adopt a new term to replace all others, “Familism”

Biden blames Ottoman Empire for the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s backlash
The irony is that the USA is blaming the Ottomans for killing that happened 100 years ago but can’t see the genocide going on in Gaza.

The Land Of Pashmina Threads: Plight Of The Half-Widows
The wives of thousands of men who have gone missing for many years have been termed half-widows under new terminology. These women are still not sure whether their husbands are alive or dead. The

Jamaat-e-Islami in its own words
Political Islam represent the last heroic stand of Muslim cultural resistance to galloping globalization with an American accent? Or does it represent the beginning of a new synthesis of Islam with contemporaneity, enabling Muslim society and culture to move into the new millennium more confident of its own cultural foundations?

Islamophobia And The Double Standard Of The West
The young generation should be made aware on political as well as religious grounds that what Islamophobia is, how was it born and can we counter it. We have to present our counter-narrative against whatever is being spoken and written about Islamophobia in the West.

Muslim World And The Unbreakable Chains of Mental Slavery
The world is a forest of symbols but in the case of the Muslim world, it is a forest of symbols of mental slavery of the West for the past 200 years.

Historical roots of Palestine issue
There should be a democratic state of the native people of Palestine where old native Jews should also have the same civilian rights as Arab Muslims and Christians.

A Resolution For Women Rights
The oppressed woman in occupied Kashmir, Palestine, Burma and other regions are desperate for help. The government should fulfil its responsibility of providing basic human rights to oppressed women.