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Women’s rights and discrimination against them
Islam has played an important role in advancing women’s rights throughout history, yet a lot of work is still left which needs to be done and in order to make sure that there is an equal treatment of women and they are being treated fairly in all aspects of life.

The Shariah is an integrated homogenous whole. Once one understands its basic concepts, objectives and framework, one cannot but conclude that it is capable of creating the most human and just society, a peace and blessing for mankind. Difficulties only arise when critics try to measure the ocean of divine knowledge, wisdom and justice with their own thimble of pedestrian criteria and standards.

Alcohol, the Mafia and Superiority of Islamic Law
The secular Prohibition in the US didn’t have the desired effects, yet it gave rise to the mafia, whereas the Shari’ah has been “prohibiting” alcohol for centuries without ever witnessing any kind of rise of a criminal class like the mafia.

Muslim Brotherhood vis-à-vis Jamaat-e-Islami in Western Europe
The presence of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami in Western Europe is complex and multifaceted…

Do Muslims need to be left or right-wing?
Muslims do not need the guidance of figures like Jordan Peterson, as they already have a comprehensive and complete ideology in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to study and understand their own religion, rather than seeking guidance from non-Muslim sources…

A Prophetic Model Of Resistance In Human History
Every prophet who came to this world had the two most important duties. First, he told the people what was true and what its details were. Second, every prophet pointed out the vice of his time and challenged it. The act of challenging the vice was a resistance against the wrong. This resistance was at a rational as well as a practical level.

Biden blames Ottoman Empire for the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s backlash
The irony is that the USA is blaming the Ottomans for killing that happened 100 years ago but can’t see the genocide going on in Gaza.

European Parliament Resolution Against the Blasphemy Law
The European Parliament passed a resolution with a heavy majority on April 29, 2021, in which it is recommended to the European Commission and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) to review the benefits of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences-Plus (GSP+) status for Pakistani imports.

Jamaat-e-Islami in its own words
Political Islam represent the last heroic stand of Muslim cultural resistance to galloping globalization with an American accent? Or does it represent the beginning of a new synthesis of Islam with contemporaneity, enabling Muslim society and culture to move into the new millennium more confident of its own cultural foundations?

Ijtihad in contemporary times and the Muslim World
Establishing an international institute of Muslim jurists is the only solution to create uniformity in the field of Ijtihad. The members of this institute must be expert researchers and jurists from the Islamic world.