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Al-Khidmat brings relief to families of Türkiye
The devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye early this week, resulting in the death of over 18,300 and leveling of thousands of buildings. The Pakistan Rescue 1122 team of 52 personnel landed in Türkiye on Tuesday, as did two military teams with a total of 33 soldiers along with specially-trained sniffer dogs and search and rescue equipment.

Turkiye’s recent earthquake and empathetic response from the Muslim world
In the aftermath of two deadly earthquakes that struck 10 provinces in southern Turkiye, many countries stepped forward to provide aid and assistance. International assistance has included medical supplies, medical staff, funding support, rescue teams, rescue dogs, high-tech equipment, heaters, and generators.

Earthquake in Turkey and NW Syria – UN Failure To De-politicize Aid
If the UN cannot put aside politics and act courageously in times of emergency, then Syrians and other civilians alike will continue to pay the price.

Qur’an-burning: Europe struggles to draw lines
Given these very clear anti-Muslim views, Paludan’s repeated act of burning the Qur’an is driven by Islamophobic hate. Book burning in this context “becomes symbolic murder, or symbolic destruction”.

Globalization or Westernization: Reading between the lines
Modern globalization really means the Westernization of societies and their assimilation into a global homogenous pattern with dubious underpinnings at the expense of local cultural identities and values forged over a collective experience of thousands of years…

Global world order of 2023 and beyond
Strategic thinking will take center stage in addressing various global issues such as deep divisions in countries and environmental concerns.

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 3)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 2)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

Fall of Granada and the Plight of Morisco (Part 1)
Fall of Granada was not by a sudden stroke of fate but was the last curtain of a long standing drama of disunity of Muslims, warfare between competing emirs, conspiracies within each dynasty, son rebelling against the father, civil wars, a financially decaying society as well as external aggression…

What is the Paris Agreement?
The Paris Agreement shows the willingness of countries to work together to address the global threat of climate change, but it will take significant effort and commitment from all nations to achieve the goals of the agreement…